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Book - Fame by Karen Kingsbury

A relatively new book by Karen Kingsbury, I love to read her stuff. This one is the first in a new series she is doing......fiction, about a young movie star and his frustration and disillusionment with life and how intrigued he is by an unknown actress who gave up everything to lead a children's christian theater group in Bloomington, Indiana. I enjoyed it and could tell that it wasn't all wrapping up nicely with all loose ends pulled together. The second one is already out and I will start on it next. She is writing the 3rd one this month I read and the last 2 will be out in summer and fall! I hate having to wait on them!

Added: February 9th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 1032
Language: catala


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Book - Fame by Karen Kingsbury
Posted by shammons on 2006-02-21 20:35:13
My Score:

I want to read this series, but I think I will wait a few months, till more of them are out. Also, as we have discovered, I want to finish the Redemption series before I start with one, since some of the characters overlap. Thanks for adding your review, I look forward to hearing about the rest in the series! :)

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