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Movie - Glory Road

Tim and I went to see this movie with Tony and Stephanie at the new Grand theater in Hattiesburg in late January. I had read really good reviews about this movie, based on a true story. It's not something that I knew about, or had heard of, so I didn't know much going in. I'm not sure which of the details are true or embellished for the movie, but that didn't matter much to me - it was still a good movie and we enjoyed it.

When this movies comes out on DVD, it would be a good rental.

Added: January 31st 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 922


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Movie - Glory Road
Posted by Gail on 2006-02-09 12:01:12
My Score:

Very good movie, we saw it about a week before Stacy did, but neither one of us knew to stay til after the credits for some other stuff or interviews they had, so we all missed that! Be easier to catch on a rental I guess.

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