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Book - 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper

Tim gave me this book for my birthday, based on a recommendation from my friend Wendy. I started trying to read this book a couple of weeks before Christmas, and just never could get into it. I think it was the stress and the business of the holidays, and I just didn't feel like I could take the time to sit down and read and really enjoy myself.

So, I picked this book back up after New Years and finished it in a couple of days. The book is a true story about a Baptist preacher who died in a car wreck in Texas, in 1989, and spent 90 minutes clinically dead, and his time in heaven. For many reasons, he was brought back and barely survived his ordeal. The remainder of the book details the depression, recovery, healing and struggles he went through (and continues to go through) to deal with his situation.

The pros - the book was very moving and uplifting. The major feeling I took away from the book was a feeling of peace and reassurement that there is absolutely a heaven and that's where I want to go. The cons - the book was sort of random, in the way he told his story. He sort of "jumped around" and didn't tell things in an orderly fashion, which bothers the OCD in me. :) He would tell a snippet or story and then jump all over the map and tell something that happened 2 years earlier or 5 years later. Other than that, it was a very enjoyable book!

I recommend this book and will be glad to loan my copy to you, as long as you return it when you're finished. It's a good book and tells a wonderful story. He relates his struggle with the obvious - why was he allowed to experience 90 minutes in heaven and then have to be sent back here, to struggle to survive, endure the pain of healing, learn to walk again, etc. Why did he have to come back and feel the depths of depression, when all he wanted was to go home and feel the indescribably joy of heaven.

Added: January 9th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 921


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