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Book - The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks

I really enjoyed this book. I checked it out from the library a couple of weeks ago, and found it hard to put down about a third of the way through.

I've read most of Nicholas Sparks books, but this one was different. He added a bit of mystery and intrigue to this one, in addition to his normal storyline of people, relationships and love.

This book revolved around Julie, whose husband passes away after 6 years of marriage, leaving her a young widow. It takes her quite a while to even begin to be ready to see other men, but eventually she does. There's a couple of poor choices in the beginning, then she meets Richard. In the mean time, there is Mike, her late husband's best friend, and a man she considers her best friend. She soon realizes that Mike is what she wants and needs, and not the man she has had a few dates with - Richard. Well, Richard is not happy about that - since it turns out he is a psychopathic stalker. It gets really good after that!

I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it, if you like a bit of mystery thrown in with your typical Nicholas Sparks love story! :)

Added: March 20th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 966


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