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Book - Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner

I had seen on several blogs and message boards about Jennifer Weiner's books, including this one, but had never read anything by this author. I found "Goodnight, Nobody" at the library while browsing, read the jacket cover and thought it sounded like a good book.

I was right! I really enjoyed it. It was a very good, easy and quick read, and a nice little plot. The basic premise of the book is a suburban housewife and stay-at-home mom with 3 kids under the age of five, finds herself living in a Stepford-like Connecticut suburb. She used to have a fun life, friends, parties, a cool job, and now she feels like her life is nothing. She walks in one morning and finds one of the perfect moms with a knife in her back, dead on her kitchen floor. She decided to do some investigative journalism and find out who killed her, about her life, etc. She used to be a reporter, after all (well, she was a tabloid, gossip type reporter!) The book goes from there, and the plot weaves in and out of her friends, family, children, fellow Stepfordites and the people she meets who knew the deceased. I really enjoyed it, and will be looking for more books by Jennifer Weiner to check out.

I rate this an 8 out of 10 stars, a very enjoyable read. :)

Added: July 31st 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1072


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Book - Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-07-31 22:18:45
My Score:

It was a good quick read. You need to read "good in bed" or "little earthquakes" by the same author. Both are really good. Kathy M.

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