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Movie - Inside Man

We went a couple of weekends ago to our new Grandview Theater to see the movie "Inside Man", starring Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster.

I think Tim enjoyed this movie more than I did. While I liked it, and was entertained by it, I came out at the end thinking that the plot was somewhat weak and unsatisyfing. For whatever reason, I thought there should have been more to it. It seemed way overplayed for what the plot turned out to be.

That being said, it was a good movie, and would make a good rental when it comes out on DVD in a few months. I doubt we would own this one. It's one of those movies that once you see once, it is not as entertaining once you know the ending. We don't tend to watch that type over and over. I think Tim would probably rate it an 8 out of 10, whereas I would give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. I'll compromise and rate it a 7.

Big name actors, I guess I just expected more out of them. :(

Added: April 13th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 914


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