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Book - The Blue Bottle Club by Penelope J. Stokes

On Christmas Day in 1929, four teenage girls write down their hopes and dreams for the future on slips of paper and stuff them into a cobalt blue bottle. The bottle is hidden among the rafters of the attic. Sixty five years later Brendan Delaney, a local tv newswoman in Ashville, North Carolina, is covering the story of the demolition of the house. A workman discovers the bottle and gives it to Brendan who reads the papers. She is fascinated and becomes determined to track the women down, who are now in their 80's and do a story on them and what happened in their lives. The women are strong characters and their stories are of broken dreams, betrayed hearts, and twists that their lives took. She feels this is the story of a lifetime for her and in the process discovers meaning that is missing from her life. It was not the usual Christian romance novel and a nice change of pace for me; I really enjoyed it.

Added: April 10th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 1542
Language: catala


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