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Book-The Yellow Rose Trilogy by Lori Wick

I just finished reading the last of these three books. They are: Every Little Thing About You, Texas Sky and City Girl. They take place in the late 1800's and follow the lives and story of three brothers that grew up in Texas. Slate Rawlings, the youngest brother, is featured in the first one. He has been a Texas Ranger but quits his job because he feels it keeps him on the road too much and he isn't able to settle down and be a part of a church family. He meets Libby, a deputy sheriff, and falls in love with her. The middle brother Dakota is also a ranger and in the second book he is shot 5 times, comes close to dying and then finds new life in Christ. Unable to work for 6 months, he travels some and agrees to escort his boss's niece on a trip. Trouble seems to find Darvi at every turn and it tells their story. The oldest brother, Cash, runs the family ranch and is unmarried for a long time. He meets a new girl in town, from New York City, who is strong, independent and doesn't wish to be maried. These might not have been my favorite thing by this author but if you like reading about America and Texas in the late 1880's you will enjoy them. They follow a predictable story line and everything gets nicely tied up by the end and have some good characters in them.

Added: April 4th 2006
Reviewer: Gail
Hits: 1196
Language: catala


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